Friday, March 14, 2014

New Recipe Fridays

I love good food!  Who doesn't?  I tend to lean towards Asian cuisine but I love just about everything. I read A LOT of recipes.  Books, Pinterest, Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.  It's just so awesome that you can practically search any food and get a recipe for it.  There's just no reason to say you can't cook because all the resources are available, it just depends on your determination to learn.  Lol  I know it's not easy but like anything, it's a work in progress.  I like to compare recipes and/or combine the ideas and put my own twist to it.  Actually, in most cases I get so impatient following recipes that I tend to just do whatever.  Sometimes it turns out good but other times not.  Lol When people ask me for the recipe for something I've made, I always emphasize that I don't have an exact measurement.  I used to cook without tasting my food and quickly realized that was wrong.  Haha!  So now, I season and taste as I cook.  With all these delicious looking recipes easily available, I want to keep track of what I try and document my reviews every Friday - New Recipe Fridays.  At some point, I will be searching for these recipes again and who knows how many there will be after a year or so.  ;)

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