Last Friday, I found out that we are expecting baby number 2! After three pregnancy tests, the third one finally gave in. I guess we were checking too early and maybe I just knew, it is my body after all. Besides, it's not like if we weren't trying to have a baby. My husband and I both agreed that this year would be the time for a second baby considering the age gap with our first daughter. The three year gap that they will have is ideal for our family.
Symptoms. Before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter Lana, I experienced some severe lower back pain. I remember I couldn't even bend my back to clean our dining table. I religiously complained about morning sickness. Why is it even called morning sickness when it can last throughout the whole day? It should be changed to A.D. sickness: ALL DAY sickness! Thankfully, that only lasted for about 4 months or so. I had a crazy experience. I wish I was introduced to this world of blogging then. It would have nice to read through blog posts of a newly expectant mother and everything else that came after which NO ONE really tells you about. You can read all the books you want, buy all the things you think are necessities but nothing can exactly prepare you for this wonderful, chaotic world of motherhood until you see and hold YOUR baby.
Anyway, back to my symptoms for this current pregnancy. Actually, nothing too crazy. I have lower back pain but not as excruciating as from the first. I have weird food cravings. I like matching my dishes according to the type of cuisine like either all Japanese dishes or all Filipino food. Or if I'm cooking a meal, I can't have all the dishes to be fried. Something has to be saucy or there has to be some type of soup to go along with it. Well, now I just want to eat everything. I often catch myself having thoughts about food throughout the day. It's just more exciting now, you can eat all the food you want (with health in mind of course) and have an excuse to get fat because you are eating for two. Lastly, I am having the worst mood swings! I feel really bad for my husband Chris because I lash out on him a lot. One second I'm so happy to see that he just came home from work. Thirty seconds later, I'm extremely annoyed because he's trying to kiss me hello while I'm trying to prepare dinner. Then I realize he must be tired from work so I go over and give him a kiss. Ten minutes later, I'm back to being annoyed because he just can't keep his voice down from playing around with Elana. *SIGH* It just goes on. lol At the end of the day though, nothing else really matters but to be with family and those who love you. We are truly blessed.